New Releases: November

Looking for your next read? Why don’t you try one of these November new releases from our members?

Allergic to Mistletoe (Neighborlee Book 10) by Michelle L. Levigne - The Fae have come to visit for Christmas. Lori is allergic to mistletoe. Bethany needs to be invisible. Maurice needs to become visible to the girl he loves. Fortunately, it's the season of miracles.
The Gatekeeper’s Descendants by Johanna Frank - Imagine… a gentle escape to a place where real struggles are not only conquered, they build you up.
Head Over Tails by Brianna Tibbetts - Mermaids meet mental health in this light-hearted story of life, love, and learning to grow into who you were meant to be.
Wishing Against the House: The Steel City Genie Book 3 by Janeen Ippolito - My city is under attack by shadowfiends. Apparently, this is my fault, thanks to the family I’ve never met.

Congratulations, Members! Keep up the great work!!

Readers: Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? If not, which one interests you most, and why?

*Become a Published Member or higher to have your new releases featured.

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