The Realm Makers Mission

To support writers and artists who create science fiction and fantasy in their journeys from idea to marketplace. Whether participating artists wish to gear their content for  inspirational or mainstream audiences, Realm Makers seeks to encourage them from a faith-friendly perspective.

Realm Makers began in 2012, when founder Becky Minor’s vision of creating a faith-friendly event where writers could celebrate all things science fiction and fantasy kicked into motion. Online discussions made it clear that Christian writers of speculative fiction didn’t have a place or event where they could really feel at home. Everyone agreed…the “spec fic” crowd was a couple shades too weird for the established Christian writers conferences, and the comic con scene wasn’t really the right fit for most either. 

And hence, Realm Makers was born. 

In the summer of 2013, Realm Makers offered its first conference. Would anyone show up? In that first effort, writers indeed supported the notion of having their own conference to call home, and over 60 authors came together to learn and connect. 

Since then, Realm Makers has grown to serve over 300 authors at the annual conference. The organization has also mobilized a “pop up” bookstore, where they take a carefully curated collection of speculative fiction written by Christians to events ranging anywhere from Renaissance Faires to Homeschool Conventions. Also in 2018. Realm Makers launched a membership program, where authors can connect throughout the year, critique one another’s work, and participate in periodic webinars to keep their writing and marketing toolkits sharp. In short, Realm Makers strives to discern creative Christians’ needs and develop tools to assist them along their journeys, whether that means providing education in craft, connections with industry professionals, or strategies for finding readers who love what Realmies write.