Congratulations to our Readers’ Choice Finalists!

More than 900 readers have spoken! The results are in. Here are this year’s Readers’ Choice finalists in semi-alphabetic order:

A Thieving Curse
Selina R. Gonzalez, Wyvern Wing Press

Of Fire and Ash
Gillian Bronte Adams, Enclave Escape

Secrets in the Mist
Morgan L. Busse, Enclave Escape

Kara Swanson, Enclave Escape

The Goblin and the Dancer
Allison Tebo

Readers: Thank you for your votes! Come back June 1-21 to vote ONE MORE TIME for your favorites! In the meantime, read any of the books on this list that you haven’t already read.

Authors: Congratulations! Feel free to encourage your fans to vote for your book(s), but please don’t bribe them to do so. We consider offering prizes as a way to boost votes for your novel unethical. (If you do it and we find out, you might be disqualified.)

Everyone: If you haven’t already, register for the 10th Annual Realm Makers Writers Conference, where the Readers’ Choice Award will be presented.

Wondering about the rest of the Realm Award Finalists? We are too! We had an amazing number of entries this year. Once we’ve gotten through them all, which should be soon, we’ll post a list of finalists. Thank you for your patience!

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