New Releases: June

Looking for your next read? Why don’t you try one of these June new releases from our members?

The Long Shadow by Phyllis Wheeler - Running away might sound like a great idea--until you find yourself in some other time and place, stuck with someone you can't trust.
A Castle Contended (Castle in the Wilde, Novel 2) by Sharon Rose - She loves her kingdom…and the foreign usurper they hate. How can she choose between them?
Amok by Anna Tan - What is faith, except hope in desperation?
The Kindness Curse: Magic to Spare Book 1 by Michelle L. Levigne - Cursed to wander as an old woman until she learned kindness, Merrigan accidentally helped others find their happily-ever-after.

Congratulations, Members! Keep up the great work!!

Readers: Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? If not, which one interests you most, and why?

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