Member Webinars for October

The RealmSphere is open!

And with it comes exciting new opportunities for our members. Check out these fantastic member webinars for October!

Pick a Fight with Carla

Need help with a fight scene you’re writing? Want to know the best way to injure someone? Want the definitive answer to whether Miyagi Do is better than Cobra Kai? Then we have the Livestream for you!

Post your questions, or up-vote your favorites, and listen as Carla regales us with her wit and ferocity in our first member-exclusive RealmSphere webinar.

StoryTime with Havok

The fastest way to becoming a better writer is to master short fiction. Learn the ins and outs of flash fiction with Andrew Winch, Editor-in-Chief at Havok Publishing.

Post your questions, or up-vote your favorites, and listen as Andrew guides us through the waters of storytelling, including how to hook your reader. But watch out! You might just become hooked on flash fiction yourself.

If you’re not already a member, you can get access to great member benefits like these for as little as $4.99 a month. Become a Prime, Professional, Published, or Business member today!

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