New Releases: October

Looking for your next read? Why don’t you try one of these October new releases from our members!

Succession (Quest of Fire Book 2)
Brett Armstrong
Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
The heir must prove his worth or die trying.  
The Merchant of Menace
Kendra E. Ardnek
Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
Robin promised Meg aid in rescuing her lost sisters … but that’s easier said than done.
Iggy & Oz: The Soda POP Wars
JJ Johnson
Middle Grade (MG)
What if you discovered an old vintage soda pop machine that gave you superpowers with each sip you took?
Song of the Wild
Melissa Matos
Debut, Fantasy
Someone is targeting Changelings. Will Glade risk exposing her secret to help them?
Lander’s Choice
C.S. Wachter
Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
The Core. Beautiful … mysterious … dangerous … alive. Will Lander survive long enough to choose.

Congratulations, Members! Keep up the great work!!

Readers: Have you read any of these? If so, what did you think? If not, which one interested you most, and why?

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