Early Praise for the RealmSphere

Wondering what our members think about the RealmSphere?

So far, 186 members have made the transition to the RealmSphere. We asked them what they liked best about it, and here’s what some had to say:

I love that I can participate without battling constant ads for things I don’t need but really want. ~Bonnie Maisen

The site is so streamlined! I’m not tech-savvy, but this place is super easy to understand and navigate. ~Savannah Grace

Easy to navigate, very functional. Combines several aspects of Realm Makers into one platform. ~Katherine Massengill

I love the simple, modern layout and streamlined usability. It really feels like our niche now – our one-of-a-kind corner of the world where we can freely celebrate creativity and faith-filled fiction. ~Rhia Adley

I’m the WORST at new programs, but I’m swimmin’ like a fishie in this wonderful pond our Committee has created for us! It’s the best! No politics, no hateful conversations to avoid — what a blessed relief! ~Deborah Cullins Smith

It’s the perfect place to interact with my Realm Makers community without all the distractions that accompany many social media platforms. ~Lauren Brandenburg

If you’re a current member and you haven’t checked out the RealmSphere, now is YOUR time. Access the site, set up your profile, find your membership group, and get comfortable before we open it to the public on September 25th!

Search your email for a message from lisa [at] realmmakers.com on Friday, Sept 11 at 10 p.m. EDT with the subject starting with ‘Important.’ This email provides you with all the details you need to connect with your early access to the RealmSphere. If you don’t find the email, check your spam or promotions folder! That’s where more than a few members found this email.

If you aren’t a member but want to be, see how it works: Join us for a livestream tour on September 25th at 9 p.m. EDT. Reserve your spot now!

Mark your calendars! The RealmSphere will open to the public on September 25th at 9:00 p.m. EDT.

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